Boho Living!
The Bohemian Lifestyle is what we’re ALL ABOUT. We love to stay grounded, be close to the Earth and feel it all with our bare feet. We innovate with futon cushions directly on the floor for sitting and sleeping. Cushions line the floor in any dimension along a wall either in line or a U or an L-shape. They can be custom sizes or lay out to standard bed sizes. You decide how you want your space to treat you by filling in the contours precisely with our handmade cushions. Together we can design your space for less than it costs for traditional furniture. It’s SIMPLE LIVING at its best.
For floor seating and meditation, come check out our Boho Room at the Factory. A space of PEACE and SIMPLICITY. Below are spaces we’ve created already. Like what you see? Call us!
Imported directly from India we have piles of beautiful queen size Tapestries! $35/each, 2/$60